Hedge Witch


Self-Defense Pt. 1
Self Defense Pt. 2
Self-Defense Pt. 3


"Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them."
Sam Harris
The End of Faith

NOTE: If anyone is needing help in leaving a sect of Christianity, fundamentalist or not, please write to me.  I know of some websites that offer a supportive community.  I struggled with it alone, and I don't want anyone else to go through that type of faith agony.  At the very least, you can vent at me.  All email of this nature will be held in the utmost confidence.
Although the above quote was written by a non-Christian in a book claiming that religion is the root of all evil, it presents a scary situation.  One many of us fear may be looming in the future. 
Many see the threat of fundamental Christians as a fading one.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  The age of technology is upon us, to borrow a cliche and the fact of the matter is, more and more groups are developing websites about Witches and Pagans in general.  Not so nice ones.  They range  from mildly annoying to full out hate.  What is going on in these sites?  And more importantly, is the bible a source of God's wisdom handed directly from the heavens to man's pen?  No.  There are many errors, contridictions, and failed prophecies, too many to push out of one's mind. 
Probably the first problem and instigant in the upsurgance of this websites is the end of time theory.  The book of Revelations talks about all sorts of things happening in the end times, where 2/3rds of mankind will be wiped out.  These include mass earthquakes, natural disaters and wide spread wars.  Many Born-again Christians take the current events of our time and compare them to this book.  A growing number seem to feel that these match and that the rapture will soon be coming.  Of course another erroring idea of this group of Christians is that 'good' Christians will be taken up into heaven before the tribulation and all us heathens and Catholics will be left to face the destruction and wrath of God.  I invite any Christian to point out where it says in Revelations that this will happen. 
The fact of the matter is - the concept of Christians saved before the tribulation is only a few centuries old at most.  I'm still looking for the exact source ( I seem to have lost a couple in the great sea of references when I was arranging to get new furniture) but if my memory serves me correctly it was only in the 19th century that this idea was first assimlated.  Another interesting development of the 19th century was the first appearnce of the inverted pentacle with the goat's head (drawn by a Christian no less!) but we will return to this idea later.  What is the truth?  Everybody's stuck here for the tribulation.  Period.   There is no grabbing of 'saints' before this time.  There will be no empty seats or cars or beds etc.  Books such as the Left Behind Series only further this myth.
This is just one area that is feeding the growing hysteria.  It's bad enough when its thought that Harry Potter is actually a grimore for witches, and somehow we're developing their magic skills by subtle mind control techniques.  It's even worse that many of them are still lumping us with Satanism as they see it, and are degrading real Satanists.
The fact of the matter is, if the Christians just left us alone we would leave them alone! I know Wiccans, Witches and and other Pagans have been trying to just ignore their claims, or quietly debunk them but it hasn't stopped them in the least.  For the most part, I don't care about the Christians.  I figure that if they ever really get around to investigating the bible, instead of just quoting hackneyed and slanted reviews stating that the bible is most reliable book in history, that they will at least stop taking it literally.  What I do care about is someone slandering my faith.  I didn't move into Witchcraft to be a victim.
(I already was a partial one in Catholicism.  Many Christians don't view Catholics as being Christians themselves, and see the Catholic baptism as being useless.  Perhaps that's why I'm more sensitive!)
This page and probably a second will be dedicated to debunking a lot of the Christian beliefs based soley on the bible, or their view of the bible.  There will be bibical quotes, sources etc.  So when the evangalists come to your door you'll be armed with troubling questions that will make them skip your house next time! 
Seriously, it is important stuff to know.  Just because we don't believe in the bible doesn't mean that we shouldn't investigate it and be able to hold an educated conversation about it. One of the claims that the Christians cry out the most is that we don't really know the bible, that we haven't read it and that's why we aren't converted yet.  Let's prove them wrong. And for those coming out of the broom closet, this information is invaluable, especially when faced with friends and family telling you're doomed and hell bound. 
So be patient.  If you just can't wait to start proving the errors of the bible, then pick up the book 101 Myths of the Bible. It's available on Amazon, or at your local booksellers but you might have to hunt for it.  It's probably in the inch long atheist section.  This is a well reasoned book discussing the parallels between the creators of the old testament and the surrounding cultures.  It may be dry at times but well worth the read. 
Or just start reading the bible.  Some of you may be going now -'Aha, she's really a Christian just pretending to be a Witch to get us to read the bible!'  No way.  I'm encouraging you to read the bible, because by the third paragraph you'll begin to realize the problems, and be able to identify them correctly.  Only when we begin debunking the hate against us will it stop.  Sticking our heads under rocks and hoping the adversaries will go away hasn't worked.
Note: The Christians that I am writing about are the extreme Fundamentalists that make up a minority of the Christian population but seem to be the most vocal. The majority of Christians, whatever the denomination, are not like this in the slightest.  Christians that fall into this category, please stand up and denounce what is going on in these fundamentalist circles.  To stop the lies and hate is a group effort, all need to be involved.

Questions/Comments - contact at ecgrbi@hotmail.com

Copyrighted 2005.  Reprinting of any orignal ideas and/or quotes with permission only.  The author reserves the right to reproduce any email/mail sent to her on this website for educational purposes.  The name of the sender will be left our, unless otherwise arranged