I don't like you. I believe that a REAL Witch follows the rede and the law of three and that any non-Wiccan
Witches aren't Witches at all. Their just Pagans with a lot of wishful thinking. I believe in goodness and light
and that everything is here to help me. In fact, non-Wiccan Witches like you don't really exist anywy so I don't have
to worry.
That's nice. Good for you. Though the last time I checked I existed. . . yep still here.
Seriously though, these are the types of things I have recieved back from Wiccans when I wrote to them politely to inform
then about their misinformation on the site. One did tell me that I actually didn't exist! Others told me that
I didn't have a real religion. That's why I broke down and decided to do a website of my own.
And I'm not saying that all Wiccans are like this! Unfortunately the vocal ones seem more at fault then the quiet
ones just trying to go about their faith. In defense of Wiccans, I do know that non-Wiccan Witches do tend to get their
noses up in the air and call Wiccans inferior, so the street goes both ways. The only way to combat these types of problems
is with knowledge and truth.
Do you believe in the God and Goddess and that all is One?
No. I believe in many Gods and Goddesses and that we each carry a divine spark in us, but that doesn't mean we
are all one in the New Age sense that most people speak about. Wiccans tend to believe that all Goddesses are aspects
of the one Godess and the same about the God and Gods. Call me old fashion, but I believe that they are not just aspects
but real sperate entities. Nor do they represent the whole. We will never be able to know the Divine fully at
this present time. (I don't know if it's because were physical creatures or if it's just the way or brains work, only
that it's not possible). I tend to believe more like the Hewbrews. They believed that there is mass, a Divine
presence that stretches across infinity, that created us and everything, but that we are unable to fully know It. That's
where Yahweh comes in. The Hewbrews believed that this is the part of God that was revealed to them that they could
interact personally with and experience God. This is close to what I believe except the ultimate Divine presence is
not impersonal.
You Satanist are all the same! Just worshiping the Dark One in order to fulfill your carnal pleasures and
selfish needs!
Sadly, many Christians are still posting this garbage. I will address a lot of this in my page on the Bible.
The Devil was first introduced into the bible in 586 BC in 2 Chronicles. He was merely seen as an adversary.
Although many Christians like to think that the snake in creation was Satan, this simply isn't true from a historical (factual)
angle. One of the grave errors so many people make in the bible is that they don't look at the meaning of the time.
When the creation story was written, these people didn't have Satan, or a concept of him. But they did hate the pagans
with a vegance and slaughtered them whenever they could. Since the pagans seemed fond of the snake, the Hewbrews used
it in their creation story to cause the fall of all mankind! Both to demonize the pagans and make sure that their own
kind didn't convert to paganism. Sheds a new light onto the creation story doesn't it.
Satan is a Chritian concept. I do believe in evil, and I do believe that they are beings out that that wish to
do us harm. I've meant some of them. But I do not believe in a hell. (This well be addressed more fully later
Ah Ha! Lucifer's name is right here in the bible in Is 4:12!
Actually, no it's not. That text is actually talking about the king of Babylon. The translation should read
in all other versions except the errored KJV something like this:
"How did you come to fall from the heavens, Daystar, son of Dawn? How did you come to be thrown to the ground,
you who enslved the nations." (Is 14:12 JB)
Royalty in many cultures where thought of to be direct links to the Divine, and almost gods within themselves.
The king of Babylon that is mentioned here was a tyrrant and was getting what he deserved. He was no longer considered
like a god. He had fallen from heaven. Hence the text talking about how he has fallen from heaven. Lucifer
did not exsist to the Hewbrews at this time, nor to the Christians for centuries to come. No matter how hard one tries to
make this look like Satan falling from heaven into hell and appearing as an angel of light, does not make it true.
But the bible says that 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live' !
Only in the faulty KJV version. The actual true translation is 'posioner', not witch. King James was
deathly afraid of Witches. They were rumored to have complete control over men, and could take away their sexual function
and make them impotent. There are several mistranslation in this version because of this unfounded fears, making it
one of the worst translations to base one's faith out of. It is also the one most used by fundamental Christians.
Personally, I think that men of that era were really sexually repressed, hence all the talk about sex organs etc.
But the bible talks all about how Witches like you are bad. How do explain that?
Simple. No one actually knows what the Hewbrews meant by the words sorcery or magic. They may have been refering
to posioning. The interesting thing is that they were deathly afraid of these so called Witches while bragging that
their God was all powerful. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this?
The main problem that is illustrated in this past few questions is that one should not be taking the bible literally.
Period. It was written and manipulated by men. This is quite evident by the KJV edition. Another common
problem is illustrated in the next question that plagues Witches of all faiths often.
If you don't believe in sin, then your saying that Jesus died in vain!
The problem with this is that one, you would have to take the creation story in bible literally. This story hints
that their were other Gods up there with Yahweh while he was creating the world and the two accounts are horribly different.
Two, the concept of sin in general. The Hewbrews did believe that certain things happened to them after the fall,
and that they were cursed with certain hardships. While there were massive laws and certain ideas about sin, they really
don't match the modren version. Christians believe that Jesus took away original sin. This type of sin is
listed nowhere in the bible. It was actually invented by St. Augustine (along with his thesis that women have no souls!)
and was later accepted into the church as sacred doctrine. I actually believe that Jesus didn't see his death as part
of his mission on earth, and that the parts of the resurrection commonly found in the bible were added much later.
What do you mean by 'traveling to otherwords'? Do you see heaven and hell and such?
I mean this in a shamanic sense and it is acomplished by either astral projection or deep meditation. There is
no heaven or hell in these worlds, by Christian standards. There is an upperworld, middleworld and lower/underworld
but these do not correspond to Christian standards in anyway shape or form. There are many, many facets to these worlds,
and many beings who reside their including the Gods and Goddesses. There are places wher the soul rests during the transition
between life and death. There are very dark places in these worlds but they are not hell.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not in the sense that most Wiccans believe in it. I do not think it is a forced event, that one goes back by choice.
I also believe that one does not get to chose the type of life they get. Nor do I believe in Karma. Just think,
one bad life and you'd never get out from under that Karma debt. Some people feel that chronic illness and such are
because of Karma debt. As someone who suffers from a chronic illness I find this hard to believe. Especially since
we supposedly don't remember what we did to end up with this debt in first place, so we have no way to make it right!
I have even read writings by Wiccans claiming that a woman is raped sometimes because in a previous life she was a rapist
herself. Try explaining that to a raped woman. I wouldn't blame her if she smacked you in face! Really,
there is enough shame that goes along with that, why try to add more by saying it was really her fault.
If you have any questions that have not been answered on this page feel free to email me at
hedgewitchsite@hotmail.com . More Q&A will probably be added as time goes on.