1. 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Bibical History, Gary Greensberg. Available at
3. The Encyclopedia of Bibical Errancy C. Dennis Mckinsey. Available at
4. Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Chuck Missler. Available at
5. King James Version of the Bible
6. The Jerusalem BIble
More to come as I find them.
Leaving Christianity - De-convert friendly site, with de-conversion testimony. Blog and chances to voice one's opinion. Be sure to
check out the anti-tracts (the link's close to the bottome of the page). For those of you not familiar with the tracts
I'm talking about, their based on Jack Chick. Their pretty extreme and hateful to anyone outside of Chick's form of
Christianity, including Catholics which he considers the same as pagans. His website is Yes it's for real! I really don't have to post anything after this site, since it has just about every link you could possibly wish for!
Scroll down the page and there are a mirad of resources for all sorts of things, including for those trying to leave fundamentalists.
Pagan Resources:
Watch for this category to grow. It is a little sparse now, mostly because of time limits on my end. Check out their Witch Hunt Series, wrriten by Kerr Cuhulain, especially if you want to understand why a site like this
is so important. There is still a lot of misinformation out there, and it seems to be spreading faster at times then
the truth. Indepth look at many subjects, including the authors of the SRA scare. Lauren Stratford (author of
Satan's Underground) has since changed her name and is claiming that she was a victim of Dr. Joesph Mengele during WWII in
the camps as a child! Or look into 'Dr' Rebecca Brown, aka Ruth Baiely, who lost her license after over-drugging her
patients and herself and proclaiming that she was appointed by God to be able to diagnosis diseases caused by demon infestation.
(Sounds like the doctors at the VA system)
More to come
Misinformation Sites
These following sites are just a small portion of the misinformation out there. Go to these sites and you'll find
gateways to even more sites. There are some important things to remember before beginning:
- Don't threaten the site owners
- Don't try to censor their sites. We all have the freedom of speech. We want to spread the correct information.
Besides you don't want to sink to their level, do you?
- Do not send hatemail! Most of this time this will backfire on you and the author will use it to further their own
goal by showing how angry, stupid or whatever us non-Christians are! Trust me, I have seen this done on a lot of website.
- Don't try to hack into their site to vandalize it, or to vandalize any physical structure that happens to be in your area!
Always follow the law.
- Do treat them like you would like to be treated. Respect, polite langauge and a calm manner are a must if correspondence
is desired.
- Do try to point out where there is misinformation.
- Do remember that these people are devout about their beliefs, just like you are. Conversation go both ways.
Respect them, and be gentle if you see a problem. (Yes, this should be the right address. Again, really inflamatory, condemning anything outside of their branch
of Christanity. Any power is seen to be that of Satan. Author of sites claims to have had visions of hell, though
the match the same old ones seen before in 'prophets' including Divine Revelations of Hell. If you have nothing
else to do for about two hours and have money to burn, its a good book to read to understand the going concept of hell). (Taking drugs leaves you open to demonic possession, didn't you know. And menopause is caused by a demon!
Though to their credit, they do speak out against obvious frauds. There's an article on Rebecca Brown on their site
with audio files by two people that meet her and why they believe she's bad news.) (Claims to have been a witch queen. I didn't know that one could even be a witch queen until I started looking
into the information found in these articles! Claims to love pagans, but only to the point that she wants to convert
them). (They used to have radio shows to my understanding, but lost the funding for them. But they still have all the
transcripts and articles on line. Addressed all sorts of 'new age' topics, not just Witchcraft.) (same site mentioned above. Jack Chick [J.C. - Jesus Christ, interesting] also owns a publishing house, and
has published the wild tails of SRA survivors and exwitches)